sector organizations are required to file every two years. Large public sector
organizations are required to file every three years.^42
The Ministry requires accessibility reports to be filed electronically. To this end,
the Ministry has created an online Accessibility Compliance Reporting tool, which
must be used to complete, certify and submit accessibility reports. Completing
the online report is not particularly onerous. For example, the Customer Service
Standard report consists of answering 15 yes/no questions.
The Ministry has the power to review an accessibility report to determine whether
it complies with the Accessibility Standards.^43
Most organizations to which the AODA framework applies must make
accessibility reports available to the public. Lawyers can, therefore, request or
advise clients to request copies of accessibility reports.
B. Inspections
The AODA requires at least one inspector to be appointed to carry out
inspections to determine whether organizations are complying with the AODA
and Accessibility Standards. At the time of writing, one inspector had been
appointed to the Accessibility Directorate’s Compliance Assurance Unit;
however, additional staff were involved in conducting audits.^44
Except for dwellings, inspectors are empowered to enter premises where the
inspector believes there may be documents or things relevant to the inspection.
No warrant is required. A warrant must be obtained in order to enter dwellings.
Inspectors may require the production of relevant documents, records or things,
or question people in relation to the inspection.
(^42) Integrated Accessibility Standards, supra note 22 at s 86.1.
(^43) AODA, supra note 1 at s 16.
(^44) Interview of Accessibility Directorate (Feb 28, 2013).