Advanced Methods of Structural Analysis

(Jacob Rumans) #1
11.4 Resolving Equations 381


M 2

M 3 M^5
M 4

M 1 M 6 M 10

M 7 M^9

M 8







7 8






Fig. 11.16 Formulation of the internal force vector

The signs of the moments are established on the basis of theMP^0 andS-e
diagrams. For example, since a momentM 1  5 D^6 kNm on the bending moment
diagramMP^0 is plotted left (Fig.11.5b), and the positive momentM 3 at the same
section on theS-ediagram is plotted right (Fig.11.16c), then third entry of theS
vector have a negative sign.
The vectorof required internal moments at the specified sections 1, ..., 10 is

M 1 M 2 M 9 M 10


This vector will present a result of analysis of the frame by computer. If that
occurs, for example, the first entry (bending momentM 1 ) will be positive, then
according toS-ediagram (Fig.11.16c), the extended fibers at the section 1(bottom
of the left column) will be located at the right. Therefore, the internal momentM 1
should acts as shown in Fig.11.16b, i.e., clockwise. Computation of the vector of
internal forces in the second state will be discussed later.
Summary The following combination of two diagrams leads to the initial vectors:

1.Joint-load (J-L)diagramC(Z-P)diagram!Vector of external joint loadsPE.
2.MP^0 diagramC(S-e)diagram!Vector of internal forcesES 1 in the first state.

11.4 Resolving Equations...................................................

MSM considers three sides of problem: they are static, geometrical, and physical.
On their basis the second group of initial matrices may be constructed. They are
static matrix, deformation matrix, and stiffness matrix in local coordinates. These
matrices describe the different features of structure: configuration of structure, its
geometry and supports, stiffness of each element, and the order of theirs connection.

11.4.1 Static Equations and Static Matrix...........................

Assume that structure ism-times kinematically indeterminate. It means that struc-
ture hasmexternal joint loads. These loads, according toZ-Pdiagram, may be
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