Advanced Methods of Structural Analysis

(Jacob Rumans) #1

592 Index

fixed loads, 393
influence lines, 399
resolving equations, 387
settlement ofsupports, 379
Maxwell theorem, 190–191
Maxwell–Mohr integral, 159–170
displacement, 271–312
dummy load (Maxwell–Mohr integral),
147, 160–162, 195
elastic load, 147, 185–189, 195, 206,
341–343, 358, 361
force, 211–269
graph multiplication, 176–185, 195, 202,
219, 228, 238, 326, 502–504
influence line, 323–368
initial parameters, 147–158, 466–471,
mixed, 313–321
strain energy, 195
Mixed method, 313–321
Modal matrix, 522–530, 532–538
Mode shape vibration, 523, 524, 526, 529, 530,
M ̈uller–Breslau’s principle, 358, 361, 363
Multispan redundant beams (continuous
beams), 40, 42, 155, 222–224, 248,
262, 280, 301, 325–331, 346–353,
355, 358, 359, 361, 362, 364, 371,
372, 374, 375, 378, 382, 383, 386,
393–404, 416, 432–441, 471–483,
508, 564, 575
Multispan statically determinate beams
influence lines, 42–45
structural presentation, 43

Nil points method, 94–97, 99, 102, 103, 576
Nonlinear analysis, 429

Ostenfeld, 271

P-effect, xxii, 491, 494, 496, 498–502
Plastic analysis
direct method, 427–430
kinematical theorem, 430–442, 444
schemes of failure, 425, 426, 430–433,
435, 439, 441–445,
static theorem, 430–436
Plastic hinge, 426, 433–435, 437–439, 441,
442, 444, 447
Prandtl diagram, 425, 431, 432

Primary system
displacement method, 274–275
force method, 211–214
mixed method, 314–315
Primary unknown
displacement method, 274–275
force method, 211–214
mixed method, 313–314
M ̈uller–Breslau, 358, 361, 363
superposition, 27, 28, 69, 214–217, 220,
225, 226, 243, 245, 250, 257, 259,
276, 290, 299, 305, 435, 437, 494,
virtual displacements, 171, 173–175, 452

Rayleigh theorem, 192–193, 246
Reciprocal theorems
displacements, 190–191
displacements and reactions, 193
reactions, 192–193
works, 189–192
Redundancy degree, 211–214, 224, 227–234,
247, 252, 325, 339, 444

Sag, 112, 114–118, 122–125, 128–130,
Separation variable method, 541
Settlementof supports, 40, 73, 104, 145–147,
157, 158, 170–176, 211, 228,
246–251, 292, 296–299, 303, 307,
369, 375, 379, 396, 397, 414, 426,
574, 581
Settlements of supports, 40, 171–174, 228,
246–251, 268, 291, 296–299, 303,
307, 308, 372, 375, 395, 396, 413,
426, 448, 573
Simpson rule, 178–181, 227, 245
double integration, 461–465, 491–494,
505, 506
energy, 452–460, 505
initial parameter, 461, 466–472, 491,
494–502, 504–507, 543
static, 451–459, 466, 467
Statically determinate
arches, 97–103
beams, 26, 39–46, 147, 203, 212, 216, 435,
516, 546
frames, 146, 147, 161, 167, 168, 170, 171,
176, 182–185, 195, 201, 203–205
trusses, 47–49, 56
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