- Beyond Wishful Thinking: Life without Illusion
- Death
- Groundlessness
- Insatiability
- Belittlement
- Religion and the fl aws in human life
- Th e common element in past religious revolution
- What religion is, or has been
- Overcoming the World
- vision Central idea, historical presence, and metaphysical
- Incitements to overcoming the world
- Serenity and benevolence
- Criticism: betrayal of the past
- Criticism: the school of experience
- Criticism: betrayal of the future
- Overcoming the World
- Humanizing the World
- vision Central idea, historical presence, and metaphysical
- Making meaning in a meaningless world
- Our situation and our task
- Th e ennoblement of our relations to one another
- Criticism: betrayal of the past
- Criticism: the school of experience
- Criticism: betrayal of the future
- Humanizing the World
- Struggling with the World viii contents
- Central idea, spoken in sacred and profane voice
- Metaphysical vision
- Conception of the self
- Only one regime
- Spirit and structure
- Self and others
- Twin orthodoxies suppressed
- with the world Criticism: strength and weakness of the struggle
- Criticism: estrangement from life in the present
- and Instruments 5. Religious Revolution Now: Its Occasions
- Reasons for religious revolution
- Th e unique position of the struggle with the world
- to the transformation of the world Resolving the ambivalence of the higher religions
- for our ideas and institutions Radicalizing the signifi cance of the struggle with the world
- Achieving a greater life, without Prometheanism
- Recognizing the defects in human existence
- Occasions and sources of religious revolution
- In what sense a religious revolution
- Th e practice of religious revolution
- A tragic contradiction in the history of religion
- Philosophy and religion
- the future Direction and indirections of the religion of
- Christianity as the religion of the future?
- of the Future 6. Deep Freedom: The Politics of the Religion
- Po liti cal theology without God
- Conception of a free society
- Four principles
- Th e principle of apostasy
- Th e principle of plurality
- Th e principle of deep freedom contents ix
- Th e principle of higher cooperation
- The Conduct of Life in the Religion of the Future 7. Becoming More Human by Becoming More Godlike:
- Th e enhancement of life
- Method and vision
- to self- transformation Th e overthrow: from self- subversion
- Virtue as self- transformation
- Virtues of connection
- Virtues of purifi cation
- Virtues of divinization
- Th e course of life: decentering
- Th e course of life: downfall
- Th e course of life: mutilation
- Th e course of life: mummifi cation
- Th e reward
- Countercurrents
- Life itself
- Axial Age A Note on the Three Orientations and the Idea of the
- Struggling with the World viii contents
- Proper Name Index
- Thematic Index