Techlife News - USA (2022-01-22)

(Antfer) #1

work out its issues with the aviation community
and therefore avoid further inconveniencing
passengers with additional flight delays,”
Vestberg said in his memo.

Nicholas Calio, president of the airline trade
group, was more muted in his comments
about the agreement, although he thanked
federal officials for reaching the deal with AT&T
and Verizon.

“Safety is and always will be the top priority of
U.S. airlines. We will continue to work with all
stakeholders to help ensure that new 5G service
can coexist with aviation safely,” Calio said.

The FAA issued a brief statement about the two-
week delay, saying it looks forward “to using
the additional time and space to reduce flight
disruptions associated with this 5G deployment.”

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