Techlife News - USA (2022-01-22)

(Antfer) #1

In response, Meta said it too was working with
the committee to get lawmakers the information
they requested.

On Reddit, the r/The_Donald “subreddit”
community grew significantly, the letter said,
before members migrated to an official website
where investigators believe discussions around
the planning of the attack were hosted. A
spokesperson for Reddit said that the company
had received the subpoena and “will continue to
work with the committee on their requests.”

The letter further detailed how Twitter was
warned about the potential violence that was
being planned on its platform in advance
of the attack and how its users engaged in
“communications amplifying allegations
of election fraud, including by the former
President himself.”

One specific tweet from Trump on Dec. 19, 2020
was highlighted: “Statistically impossible to have
lost the 2020 Election” as he urged followers
to come to Washington to engage in a “wild”
protest on Jan. 6, 2021.

A spokesperson for Twitter declined to comment
on the subpoenas.

The committee made its initial request for the
documents from 15 social media companies
in August, which also included TikTok, Parler,
Telegram, 4chan and 8kun.

The subpoenas come as the nine-member
committee continues its wide-reaching
investigation into how a mob was able to
infiltrate the Capitol and disrupt the certification
of Democrat Joe Biden’s presidential victory, in
what was the most serious assault on Congress
in two centuries.

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