- State the logit form of a logistic model that treats
region as a polytomous exposure variable and controls
for the confounding effects of AGE, SMK, RACE, and
SEX. (Assume no interaction involving any covariates
with exposure.) - For the model of Exercise 7, give an expression for the
odds ratio for theE, Drelationship that compares
urban with rural persons, controlling for the four
covariates. - Revise your model of Exercise 7 to allow effect modi-
fication of each covariate with the exposure variable.
State the logit form of this revised model. - For the model of Exercise 9, give an expression for the
odds ratio for theE, Drelationship that compares
urban with rural persons, controlling for the con-
founding and effect-modifying effects of the four
covariates. - Given the model
logit PðÞ¼X aþb 1 ðÞþSMK b 1 ðÞþASB g 1 ðÞAGE
þd 1 ðÞþSMKAGE d 2 ðÞASBAGE;
where SMK is a (0, 1) variable for smoking status, ASB is a
(0, 1) variable for asbestos exposure status, and AGE is
treated continuously,
Circle the (one) correct choice among the following
a. The odds ratio that compares a smoker exposed to
asbestos to a nonsmoker not exposed to asbestos,
controlling for age, is given by exp(b 1 þb 2 þd 1 þd 2 ).
b. The odds ratio that compares a nonsmoker exposed to
asbestos to a nonsmoker unexposed to asbestos,
controlling for age, is given by exp[b 2 þd 2 (AGE)].
c. The odds ratio that compares a smoker exposed to
asbestos to a smoker unexposed to asbestos, controlling
for age, is given by exp[b 1 þd 1 (AGE)].
d. The odds ratio that compares a smoker exposed to
asbestos to a nonsmoker exposed to asbestos,
controlling for age, is given by exp[b 1 þd 1 (AGE)þ
d 2 (AGE)].
e. None of the above statements is correct.
Practice Exercises?Test 97