Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Answers to

  1. F: the correct odds ratio expression is exp[bþ
    d 1 (SMK)þd 2 (HPT)]

  2. T

  3. F: the correct odds ratio expression is exp(2b)

  4. T

  5. F: the correct odds ratio expression is exp[60b
    þ 60 d(AGE)]

  6. T

  7. logit P(X)¼aþb 1 R 1 þb 2 R 2 þg 1 AGEþg 2 SMK
    þg 3 RACEþg 4 SEX,
    whereR 1 and R 2 are dummy variables indicating
    region, e.g.,R 1 ¼(1 if urban, 0 if other) andR 2 ¼(1 if
    suburban, 0 if other).

  8. When the above coding for the two dummy variables
    is used, the odds ratio that compares urban with rural
    persons is given by exp(b 1 ).
    9 : logit PðXÞ¼aþb 1 R 1 þb 2 R 2 þg 1 AGEþg 2 SMK
    þg 3 RACEþg 4 SEXþR 1 ðd 11 AGEþd 12 SMK
    þd 13 RACEþd 14 SEXÞþR 2 ðd 21 AGE
    þd 22 SMKþd 23 RACEþd 24 SEXÞ:

  9. Using the coding of the answer to Question 7, the
    revised odds ratio expression that compares urban
    with rural persons is exp(b 1 þd 11 AGEþd 12 SMK
    þd 13 RACEþd 14 SEX).

  10. The correct answer is b.

Answers to Practice Exercises 101
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