Two alternatives:
Unconditional algorithm (LU)
Conditional algorithm (LC)
Formula forLis built into
computer algorithms
User inputs data and
computer does calculations
Lformulae are different for
unconditional and conditional
The unconditional formula:
(a joint probability)
cases noncases
l¼ 1
l¼m 1 þ 1
½ 1 PðXlÞ
PðXÞ¼logistic model
1 þeðaþSbiXiÞ
l¼ 1
exp aþ~
i¼ 1
l¼ 1
1 þexp aþ~
i¼ 1
As described earlier, if the model is logistic,
there are two alternative typesof computer
algorithms to choose from, anunconditional
vs. aconditionalalgorithm. These algorithms
use different likelihood functions, namely,LU
for the unconditional method andLCfor the
conditional method.
The formulae for the likelihood functions for
both the unconditional and conditional ML
approaches are quite complex mathematically.
The applied user of logistic regression, however,
never has to see the formulae forLin practice
because they are built into their respective com-
puter algorithms. All the user has to do is learn
how to input the data and to state the form of
the logistic model being fit. Then the computer
does the heavy calculations of forming the like-
lihood function internally and maximizing this
function to obtain the ML solutions.
Although we do not want to emphasize the
particular likelihood formulae for the uncondi-
tional vs. conditional methods, we do want
to describe how these formulae are different.
Thus, we briefly show these formulae for this
Theunconditional formulais given first and
directly describes the joint probability of the
study data as theproduct of the joint probability
for the cases(diseased persons)and the joint
probability for the noncases(nondiseased per-
sons). These two products are indicated by the
largePsigns in the formula. We can use these
products here by assuming that we have inde-
pendent observations on all subjects. The prob-
ability of obtaining the data for thelth case is
given by P(Xl), where P(X) is the logistic model
formula for individualX. The probability of the
data for thelth noncase is given by 1 – P(Xl).
When the logistic model formula involving the
parameters is substituted into the likelihood
expression above, the formula shown here is
obtained after a certain amount of algebra is
done. Note that this expression for the likeli-
hood functionLis a function of the unknown
parametersaand thebi.
114 4. Maximum Likelihood Techniques: An Overview