LR statistic (likeFstatistic) com-
pares two models:
Full model¼larger model
Reduced model¼smaller model
H 0 : parameters in full model equal
to zero
df ¼ number of parameters set
equal to zero
In general, the likelihood ratio statistic, like an
Fstatistic in classical multiple linear regres-
sion, requires the identification of two models
to be compared, one of which is a special case
of the other. The larger model is sometimes
called thefull modeland the smaller model is
sometimes called thereduced model; that is, the
reduced model is obtained by setting certain
parameters in the full model equal to zero.
The set of parameters in the full model that is
set equal to zero specify the null hypothesis
being tested. Correspondingly, the degrees of
freedom for the likelihood ratio test are equal
to the number of parameters in the larger
model that must be set equal to zero to obtain
the smaller model.
As an example of a likelihood ratio test, let us
now compare Model 1 with Model 2. Because
Model 2 is the larger model, we can refer to
Model 2 as the full model and to Model 1 as
the reduced model. The additional parameter
in the full model that is not part of the reduced
model isb 3 , the coefficient of the variableX 3.
Thus, the null hypothesis that compares Mod-
els 1 and 2 is stated asb 3 equal to 0. This is
similar to the null hypothesis for a partialFtest
in classical multiple linear regression analysis.
Now consider Model 2, and suppose that the
variableX 3 is a (0, 1) exposure variableEand
that the variablesX 1 andX 2 are confounders.
Then the odds ratio for the exposure–disease
relationship that adjusts for the confounders is
given by e tob 3.
Thus, in this case, testing the null hypothesis
thatb 3 equals 0 is equivalent to testing the null
hypothesis that the adjusted odds ratio for the
effect of exposure is equal to e to 0 or 1.
To test this null hypothesis, the corresponding
likelihood ratio statistic is given by the differ-
ence2lnL^ 1 minus2lnL^ 2.
Model 1 vs. Model 2
Model 2 (full model):
logitP 2 (X)¼aþb 1 X 1 þb 2 X 2 þb 3 X 3
Model 1 (reduced model):
logitP 1 (X)¼aþb 1 X 1 þb 2 X 2
H 0 : b 3 ¼0 (similar to partialF)
Model 2:
logitP 2 (X)¼aþb 1 X 1 þb 2 X 2 þb 3 X 3
SupposeX 3 ¼E(0, 1) andX 1 ,X 2 are
Then OR¼eb^3
H 0 : b 3 ¼ 0 ,H 0 :OR¼e^0 ¼ 1
LR¼2lnL^ 1 (2lnL^ 2 )
Presentation: IV. The Likelihood Ratio Test 135