Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

VIII. Numerical Example

n¼ 609

Note that the example described earlier involv-
ing Model 3 is a special case of the formula for
theE, V, Wmodel, withX 3 equal toE, X 1 equal
to bothV 1 andW 1 , andX 2 equal to bothV 2 and
W 2. The linear functionlfor Model 3 is shown
here, both in its original form and in theE, V,

To obtain the confidence interval for the Model
3 example from the general formula, the fol-
lowing substitutions would be made in the gen-
eral variance formula:b¼b 3 ,p 2 ¼2,W 1 ¼X 1 ,
W 2 ¼X 2 ,d 1 ¼b 4 , andd 2 ¼b 5.

Before concluding this presentation, we illus-
trate the ML techniques described above by
way of a numerical example. We consider the
printout results provided below and on the fol-
lowing page. These results summarize the
computer output for two models based on fol-
low-up study data on a cohort of 609 white
males from Evans County, Georgia.

The outcome variable is coronary heart disease
status, denoted as CHD, which is 1 if a person
develops the disease and 0 if not. There are six
independent variables of primary interest. The
exposure variable is catecholamine level (CAT),
which is 1 if high and 0 if low. The other inde-
pendent variables are the control variables.
These are denoted as AGE, CHL, ECG, SMK,
and HPT.

The variable AGE is treated continuously. The
variable CHL, which denotes cholesterol level,
is also treated continuously. The other three
variables are (0, 1) variables. ECG denotes elec-
trocardiogram abnormality status, SMK denotes
smoking status, and HPT denotes hypertension

E, V, Wmodel (Model 3):
X 3 ¼E,
X 1 ¼V 1 ¼W 1
X 2 ¼V 2 ¼W 2

^l¼^b 3 þ^b 4 X 1 þ^b 5 X 2
¼b^þ^d 1 W 1 þ^d 2 W 2

b¼b 3 ,
p 2 ¼2,W 1 ¼X 1 ,W 2 ¼X 2 ,
d 1 ¼b 4 , andd 2 ¼b 5

D¼CHD (0, 1)
(conts) (conts) (0, 1) (0, 1) (0, 1)

Model A Output:
Variable Coefficient S.E. Chi sq P
Intercept 6.7747 1.1402 35.30 0.0000
CAT 0.5978 0.3520 2.88 0.0894
AGE 0.0322 0.0152 4.51 0.0337


CHL 0.0088 0.0033 7.19 0.0073
ECG 0.3695 0.2936 1.58 0.2082
SMK 0.8348 0.3052 7.48 0.0062
HPT 0.4392 0.2908 2.28 0.1310
Unconditional ML estimation
n¼609, # parameters¼ 7

146 5. Statistical Inferences Using Maximum Likelihood Techniques

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