To carry out thelikelihood ratio test, we would
need to compare two models. The full model is
Model A as described by the first set of results
discussed here. The reduced model is a differ-
ent model that contains the five covariables
without the CAT variable.
The null hypothesis here is that the coefficient
of the CAT variable is zero in the full model.
Under this null hypothesis, the model will
reduce to a model without the CAT variable in
it. Because we have provided neither a printout
for this reduced model nor the corresponding
log likelihood statistic, we cannot carry out the
likelihood ratio test here.
To carry out theWald testfor the significance
of the CAT variable, we must use the informa-
tion in the row of results provided for the CAT
variable. The Wald statistic is given by the esti-
mated coefficient divided by its standard error;
from the results, the estimated coefficient is
0.5978 and the standard error is 0.3520.
Dividing the first by the second gives us the
value of the Wald statistic, which is aZ, equal
to 1.70. Squaring this statistic, we get the chi-
square statistic equal to 2.88, as shown in the
table of results.
TheP-value of 0.0894 provided next to this chi
square is somewhat misleading. ThisP-value
considers a two-tailed alternative hypothesis,
whereas most epidemiologists are interested
in one-tailed hypotheses when testing for the
significance of an exposure variable. That is,
the usual question of interest is whether the
odds ratio describing the effect of CAT
controlling for the other variables is signifi-
cantlyhigherthan the null value of 1.
To obtain a one-tailed P-value from a two-
tailedP-value, we simply take half of the two-
tailed P-value. Thus, for our example, the
one-tailedP-value is given by 0.0894 divided
by 2, which is 0.0447. Because thisP-value is
less than 0.05, we can conclude, assuming this
model is appropriate, that there is a significant
effect of the CAT variable at the 5% level of
EXAMPLE (continued)
LR test:
Full model Reduced model
Model A Model A w=o CAT
H 0 : b¼ 0
whereb¼coefficient of CAT in model A
Reduced model (w/o CAT) printout
not provided here
Variable Coefficient S.E. Chi sq P
Intercept –6.7747 1.1402 35.30 0.0000
CAT 0.5978 0.3520 2.88 0.0894
AGE 0.0322 0.0152 4.51 0.0337
CHL 0.0088 0.0033 7.19 0.0073
ECG 0.3695 0.2936 1.58 0.2082
SMK 0.8348 0.3052 7.48 0.0062
HPT 0.4392 0.2908 2.28 0.1310
0 : 5978
0 : 3520
¼ 1 : 70
Z^2 =CHISQ=2.88
P¼0.0896 misleading
(Assumes two-tailed test)
usual question: OR>1? (one-tailed)
= = 0.0447
P<0.05)significant at 5% level
148 5. Statistical Inferences Using Maximum Likelihood Techniques