Note that the no interaction model we have
been focusing on may, in fact, be inappropriate
when we compare it to other models of interest.
In particular, we now compare the no interac-
tion model to the model described by the sec-
ond set of printout results we have provided.
We will see that this second model, B, which
involves interaction terms, is a better model.
Consequently, the results and interpretations
made about the effect of the CAT variable from
the no interaction Model A may be misleading.
To compare the no interaction model with the
interaction model, we need to carry out alike-
lihood ratio test for the significance of the inter-
action terms. The null hypothesis here is that
the coefficientsd 1 andd 2 of the two interaction
terms are both equal to 0.
For this test, the full model is the interaction
Model B and the reduced model is the no inter-
action Model A. The likelihood ratio test statis-
tic is then computed by taking the difference
between log likelihood statistics for the two
From the printout information given on pages
146–147, this difference is given by 400.39
minus 347.23, which equals 53.16. The degrees
of freedom for this test is 2 because there are
two parameters being set equal to 0. The chi-
square statistic of 53.16 is found to be signifi-
cant at the: 01 level. Thus, the likelihood ratio
test indicates that the interaction model is bet-
ter than the no interaction model.
We now consider what the odds ratio is for the
interaction model. As this model contains
product terms CC and CH, where CC is CAT
CHL and CH is CATHPT, the estimated odds
ratio for the effect of CAT must consider the
coefficients of these terms as well as the coeffi-
cient of CAT. The formula for this estimated
odds ratio is given by the exponential of the
quantity^b plusd 1 times CHL plus^d 2 times
HPT, where^b(12.6894) is the coefficient of
CAT,^d 1 (0.0692) is the coefficient of the inter-
action term CC, and^d 2 (2.3318) is the coeffi-
cient of the interaction term CH.
EXAMPLE (continued)
No interaction model
other models?
Model B vs. Model A
LR test for interaction:
H 0 : d 1 ¼d 2 ¼ 0
whereds are coefficients of interaction
terms CC and CH in model B
Full Model Reduced Model
Model B Model A
(interaction) (no interaction)
LR¼2lnL^model A(2lnL^model B)
df¼ 2
significant at .01 level
dOR for interaction model (B):
dOR¼exp^bþ^d 1 CHLþ^d 2 HPT
^b¼12.6894 for CAT
^d 1 ¼0.0692 for CC
^d 2 ¼2.3318 for CH
150 5. Statistical Inferences Using Maximum Likelihood Techniques