Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Chapter 6: Modeling Strategy

All confidence intervals are quite wide, indicat-
ing that their corresponding point estimates
have large variances. Moreover, if we focus on
the three confidence intervals corresponding
to HPT equal to 1, we find that the interval
corresponding to the estimated odds ratio of
0.31 lies completely below the null value of 1.
In contrast, the interval corresponding to the
estimated odds ratio of 1.22 surrounds the null
value of 1, and the interval corresponding to
4.89 lies completely above 1.

From a hypothesis testing standpoint, these
results therefore indicate that the estimate of
1.22 is not statistically significant at the 5%
level, whereas the other two estimates are sta-
tistically significant at the 5% level.

We suggest that the reader review the material
covered here by reading the summary outline
that follows. Then you may work the practice
exercises and test.

In the next chapter, “Modeling Strategy Guide-
lines”, we provide guidelines for determining a
best model for an exposure–disease relation-
ship that adjusts for the potential confounding
and effect-modifying effects of covariables.

Wide CIs)estimates have large
dOR¼0.31, CI: (0.10, .91) below 1
dOR¼1.22, CI: (0.48, 3.10) includes 1
dOR¼4.89, CI: (1.62, 14.52) above 1


CHL¼200: 0.31 Yes
220: 1.22 No
240: 4.89 Yes


Chapter 5: Statistical Inferences
Using ML Techniques

This presentation is now complete. In sum-
mary, we have described two test procedures,
the likelihood ratio test and the Wald test. We
have also shown how to obtain interval esti-
mates for odds ratios obtained from a logistic
regression. In particular, we have described
confidence interval formula for models with
and without interaction terms.

Presentation: VIII. Numerical Example 153
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