Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
Variable Abbreviation Coding
Smoking status SMK 1 ¼ever, 0¼never
Number of sexual

NS 1 ¼ 4 þ,0¼0–3

Age at first intercourse AS 1 ¼ 20 þ,0¼ 19


Model I

Variable b S.E. Chi sq P
SMK 1.4361 0.3167 20.56 0.0000
NS 0.9598 0.3057 9.86 0.0017
AS 0.6064 0.3341 3.29 0.0695

Model II

Variable b S.E. Chi sq P
SMK 1.9381 0.4312 20.20 0.0000
NS 1.4963 0.4372 11.71 0.0006
AS 0.6811 0.3473 3.85 0.0499
SMKNS 1.1128 0.5997 3.44 0.0635

Variance–Covariance Matrix(Model II)

SMK 0.1859
NS 0.1008 0.1911
AS 0.0026 0.0069 0.1206
SMKNS 0.1746 0.1857 0.0287 0.3596

  1. What method of estimation was used to obtain esti-
    mates of parameters for both models, conditional or
    unconditional ML estimation? Explain.

  2. Why are the variables, age and socioeconomic status,
    missing from the printout, even though these were
    variables matched on in the study design?

  3. For Model I, test the hypothesis for the effect of SMK
    on cervical cancer status. State the null hypothesis in

160 5. Statistical Inferences Using Maximum Likelihood Techniques

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