Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
Test computation:Z= 0 : 0683 = 0 : 0143 ¼ 4 : 77 ; alterna-
tively,Z^2 ¼22.75; the two-tailedP-value is 0.0000,
which is very significant.
The LR statistic is 43.4, which is almost twice as large
as the square of the Wald statistic; however, both
statistics are very significant, resulting in the same
conclusion of rejecting the null hypothesis.
Model II is more appropriate than Model I because the
test for interaction is significant.

  1. The formula for the estimated odds ratio is given by

ORdadj¼exp ^bCATþ^dCCCHL

¼expðÞ 14 : 089 þ 0 : 0683 CHL;

where the coefficients come from Model II and the
confounding effects of AGE, CHL, ECG, SMK, and
HPT are adjusted.

  1. Using the adjusted odds ratio formula given in Exer-
    cise 12, the estimated odds ratio values for CHL equal
    to 220 and 240 are:
    CHL¼220: exp[14.0809þ0.0683(220)]
    CHL¼240: exp[14.0809þ0.0683(240)]

  2. Formula for the 95% confidence interval for the
    adjusted odds ratio when CHL¼220:

exp^l 1 : 96


;where^l¼^bCATþ^dCCð 220 Þ

and vardð^lÞ¼vardð^bCATÞþð 220 Þ^2 dvarð^dCCÞ
þ 2 ð 220 Þcovdð^bCAT;^dCCÞ;

wheredvarðb^CATÞ;dvarð^dCCÞ;andcovdðb^CAT;^dCCÞare ob-
tained from the printout of the variance– covariance

164 5. Statistical Inferences Using Maximum Likelihood Techniques

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