Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Objectives Upon completing this chapter, the learner should be able to:

  1. Recognize the multivariable problem addressed by
    logistic regression in terms of the types of variables

  2. Identify properties of the logistic function that explain
    its popularity.

  3. State the general formula for the logistic model and
    apply it to specific study situations.

  4. Compute the estimated risk of disease development
    for a specified set of independent variables from a
    fitted logistic model.

  5. Compute and interpret a risk ratio or odds ratio
    estimate from a fitted logistic model.

  6. Identify the extent to which the logistic model is
    applicable to followup, case-control, and/or cross-
    sectional studies.

  7. Identify the conditions required for estimating a risk
    ratio using a logistic model.

  8. Identify the formula for the logit function and apply
    this formula to specific study situations.

  9. Describe how the logit function is interpretable in
    terms of an “odds.”

  10. Interpret the parameters of the logistic model in terms
    of log odds.

  11. Recognize that to obtain an odds ratio from a logistic
    model, you must specifyXfor two groups being

  12. Identify two formulae for the odds ratio obtained
    from a logistic model.

  13. State the formula for the odds ratio in the special case
    of (0, 1) variables in a logistic model.

  14. Describe how the odds ratio for (0, 1) variables is an
    “adjusted” odds ratio.

  15. Compute the odds ratio, given an example involving a
    logistic model with (0, 1) variables and estimated

  16. State a limitation regarding the types of variables in
    the model for use of the odds ratio formula for (0, 1)

Objectives 3
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