Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1



– ∞ 0 + ∞



f(–∞) = (^1) + e^1 –(–∞)
= 1 + e^1 ∞
= 0
f(+∞) =
1 + e–(+∞)
= 1 + e^1 – ∞
= 1
Range: 0f(z) 1
0 probability1 (individual risk)



– ∞ 0 + ∞

)^ increasing
f(z)≈ 0

f(z)≈ 1


Notice, in the balloon on the left side of the
graph, that whenzis1, the logistic function
f(z) equals 0.

On the right side, whenzis + 1 ,thenf(z)equals1.

Thus, as the graph describes, therangeoff(z)is
between 0 and 1, regardless of the value ofz.

The fact that the logistic functionf(z)ranges
between 0 and1 is the primary reason the logis-
tic model is so popular. The model is designed
to describe a probability, which is always some
number between 0 and 1. In epidemiologic
terms, such a probability gives theriskof an
individual getting a disease.

Thelogistic model, therefore, is set up to ensure
that whatever estimate of risk we get, it will
always be some number between 0 and 1.
Thus, for the logistic model, we can never get
a risk estimate either above 1 or below 0. This is
not always true for other possible models,
which is why the logistic model is often the
first choice when a probability is to be esti-

Another reason why the logistic model is pop-
ular derives from theshapeof the logistic func-
tion. As shown in the graph, it we start at
z¼1and move to the right, then as z
increases, the value off(z) hovers close to zero
for a while, then starts to increase dramatically
toward 1, and finally levels off around 1 asz
increases toward + 1. The result is an elon-
gated, S-shaped picture.

6 1. Introduction to Logistic Regression

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