Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Question 2 (continued)
What if onlyEs(noCs consid-
Answer:Use Method 0.

Why? Confounding not an issue

Initial model withEs andCs?
Screening procedure:it depends!
Option 1:ScreenCs only without
using Method 0
Option 2:ScreenCs without using
Method 0, and screenEs
using Method 0

Following up on a previous question (2), sup-
pose your starting model involves severalEs
but noVsorWs, i.e., noCs are considered.
How do you carry out (one-at-a-time) screen-
ing for this situation?

We recommend using Method 0 here, because
when there are noCs to consider, confounding
is not an issue. Consequently, using statistical
testing for one-at-a-time screening of Esis

Suppose your initial model involves severalEs
andCs. How do you carry out screening for this
situation?The answer is, as is often the case, it
Option 1: You may decide to screen onlyCs,
and then consider theEs during your modeling
strategy process.
Option 2: If you have large numbers ofEandC
variables, you might screen both types of vari-
ables, making sure not to use Method 0 for the
Cs and using Method 0 for theEs.

268 8. Additional Modeling Strategy Issues

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