Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
from the model as possible nonconfounders? Briefly
explain your answer.

  1. Based on the interaction assessment results described
    in question 6, is it appropriate to test the significance
    for the main effect ofPOST and/or OCC? Explain

  2. a. State the logit formula for the reduced model
    obtained from the interaction results described in
    question 6.
    b. Based on your answer to 8 a, give a formula for the
    odds ratio that compares the odds for improvement
    of pain both in bed and upon rising to no improve-
    ment for a subject getting a firm mattress (F¼3)
    and a firm base (BASE¼1) to the corresponding
    odds for a subject getting a medium firm (F¼2)
    mattress and an infirm base (BASE¼0),
    controlling forPOST, PF, OCC, AGE, andGEN.

  3. Assume that the odds ratio formula obtained in ques-
    tion 8 represents the gold standard odds ratio for
    describing the relationship of mattress type (F) and
    mattress base (BASE) to pain improvement controlling
    forPOST, OCC, PF, AGE, andGEN, i.e.,your only
    interestis theORcomparing (F¼3,BASE¼1) with
    (F¼2, BASE¼0). One way to assess confounding
    among the variables eligible to be dropped as noncon-
    founders is to compare tables of odds ratios for each
    subset of possible confounders to the gold standard
    odds ratio.
    a. How many subsets of possible confounders (other
    than the set of possible confounders in the gold
    standard odds ratio) need to be considered?
    b. Describe what a table of odds ratios would look like
    for any of the subsets of possible confounders, i.e.,
    draw such a table and specify what quantities go
    into the cells of the table.
    c. How would you use the tables of odds ratios
    described above to decide about confounding?In
    your answer, describe any difficulties involved.
    d. Suppose you decided thatPFandGENcould be
    dropped from the model as nonconfounders, i.e.,
    your reduced model now containsF, BASE, POST,
    OCC, AGE, F 3 BASE, F 3 POST, and BASE 3
    OCC:Describe how you would determine whether
    precision was gained when droppingPFandGEN
    from the model.

  4. Suppose that after all of the above analyses described
    in the previous questions, you realized that you

296 8. Additional Modeling Strategy Issues

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