Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

  1. a. False: Can’t tell until you check VDPs. Possible that
    all VDPs are not high (i.e., much less than 0.5)
    b. False: Model won’t be HWF if C 3 is dropped.
    c. True
    d. False: May not be any remaining collinearity prob-
    lem onceEC 3 is dropped.

  2. a. A Cook’s distance-type measure combines the infor-
    mation from all estimated regression coefficients in
    one’s model, whereas it would be preferable to con-
    sider either the Db orDexp[b] for theEvariable
    alone, since theEvariable is the primary variable
    of interest.
    b. You should not automatically drop a subject from
    the dataset just because you have identified it as
    influential. A conservative approach is to drop only
    those subjects whose data are clearly in error and
    cannot be corrected.
    c. The model of question 4 may not be the best model,
    so that different conclusions might result about
    which subjects are influential if a different (“best”)
    model were used instead.

  3. The number of tests to be performed cannot be deter-
    mined in advance of the modeling process, i.e., it is not
    clear whatTwill be for the individual significance level
    of 0.05/T.

Answers to Practice Exercises 299
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