I. Overview
Does estimated
logistic model predict
observed outcomes
in data?
Considers a given model
Does not consider comparing
Primary analysis goal:
Assess E–D relationship to derive
“best” model
GOF goal:
Determine how well final (“best”)
model fits the data
Assume:Yis binary (0,1)
Units of analysis: individual
GOF: Summary measure that com-
YitoY^i; where
Yi¼observed response for
Y^i¼^PðXiÞ¼predicted response
for subjecti
i¼1, 2,...,n
Good fit: GOF measure “small” or “n.s.”
Lack of fit: Otherwise
Not sufficient evidence to conclude
a bad fit
This presentation describes methods for asses-
sing the extent to which a logistic model esti-
mated from a dataset predicts the observed
outcomes in the dataset. The classical term
for this topic isgoodness of fit (GOF).
GOF is an issue that considers how well a given
model, considered by itself, fits the data, rather
than whether or not the model is more appro-
priate than another model.
In most epidemiologic analyses, the primary
goal is to assess an exposure–disease relation-
ship, so that we are usually more interested in
deriving the “best” model for the relationship
(which typically involves a strategy requiring
the comparison of various models) than in
using a GOF procedure. Nevertheless, once
we have obtained a final (i.e., best”) model,
we would also like this model to fit the data
well, thus justifying a GOF procedure.
Assuming that the outcome (Y) is binary, say
coded as 0 or 1, and the unit of analysis is an
individual subject, GOFtypically requires a
summary measure over all subjects that com-
pares the observed outcome (Yi) for subjectito
the predicted outcome (Y^i) for this subject
obtained from the fitted model, i.e.,Y^i¼P^ðXiÞ.
If when determined collectively over all sub-
jects, the GOF measure is “small” or “nonsig-
nificant,” we say the model has good fit,
although, technically, we mean there is not
sufficient evidence to conclude a bad fit.
Otherwise, we say that the model has evidence
oflack of fit.
304 9. Assessing Goodness of Fit for Logistic Regression