Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

L^SS max¼


i¼ 1

YiYið 1 YiÞ^1 Yi

For any binary logistic model:

Yi¼ 1 :YiYið 1 YiÞ^1 Yi¼ 11 ð 1  1 Þ^1 ^1 ¼ 1
Yi¼ 0 :YiYið 1 YiÞ^1 Yi¼ 00 ð 1  0 Þ^1 ^0 ¼ 1
L^SS max 1 always
Important implications for GOF

III. The Deviance Statistic


Dev(ββˆ) = −2 ln(Lˆc / Lˆmax)

b^¼ð^b 0 ;^b 1 ;^b 2 ;...;^bpÞ
L^c¼ML for current model
L^max¼ML for saturated model
(Note: If subjects are the unit of

c closer to Lmax

better fit (smaller deviance)

c =Lmax^ ⇒ –2^ ln(Lc / Lmax)
ˆ ˆˆ

c << Lmax ⇒ Lc / Lmax small fraction

⇒ ln(Lˆc / Lˆmax)

⇒ –2 ln(Lˆc / Lˆmax)

perfect fit

poor fit

= –2 ln(1) = 0



It follows that the formula for the ML value of
the SS saturated model (L^SS max) involves sub-
stitutingYifor P(Xi) in the above formula for
the likelihood, as shown at the left.

From simple algebra, it also follows that the
expressionYiYið 1 YiÞ^1 Yiwill always be equal
to one whenYiis a (0,1) variable.

Consequently, the maximized likelihood will
always equal 1. This result has important
implications when attempting to assess GOF
using a saturated model as the gold standard
for comparison with one’s current model.

As mentioned at the beginning of this chapter,
a widely used measure of GOF is thedeviance.
The general formula for the deviance (for any
regression model) is shown at the left. In this
formula,b^denotes the collection of estimated
regression coefficients in the current model
being evaluated, L^c denotes the maximized
likelihood for the current model, and L^max
denotes the maximized likelihood for the
saturated model.

Thus, the deviance contrasts the likelihood of
the current model with the likelihood of the
model that perfectly predicts the observed out-
comes. The closer are these two likelihoods, the
better the fit (and the smaller the deviance).

In particular, ifL^c¼L^max, then the deviance is
0, its minimum value. In contrast, ifL^cis much
smaller thanL^max, then the ratioL^c=L^maxis a
small fraction, so that the logarithm of the
ratio is a large negative number and2 times
this large negative number will be a large posi-
tive number.

312 9. Assessing Goodness of Fit for Logistic Regression

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