Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
d. The deviance of 0.9544 is equivalent to the LR test
that compares Model 1 with Model 2. Since this
test statistic (df¼3) is highly nonsignificant, we
would choose Model 1 over Model 2.
e. Neither of the two models of part c perfectly fit the
data for each subject. However, since Model 2 is
fully parameterized, it perfectly predicts the group

  1. Yes, the interaction model is fully parameterized since
    the model contains eight parameters and there are
    eight distinct covariate patterns.

  2. No, as with the no-interaction model, the interaction
    model does not perfectly predict the case/noncase sta-
    tus of each of the 609 subjects in the data.

  3. a. No. The deviance value of 0.0000 is not calculated
    using the deviance formula
    Devð^bÞ¼ 2 lnðL^c=L^maxÞ:
    In particular 2 lnL^c¼ 417 : 226 and 2 lnL^max¼ 0 ,
    so Devð^bÞ¼ 417 : 226.
    b. 0 : 0000 ¼ 2 lnL^Model 2 ð 2 lnL^Model 2 Þ. The two
    log likelihood functions are identical since the
    deviance statistic is comparing the current model
    (i.e., Model 2) to the fully parameterized model
    (i.e., Model 2).
    c. What is actually being tested is whether or not
    Model 2 is a fully parameterized model.

  4. a. The HL statistic of 0.0000 indicates that the inter-
    action model is a fully parameterized model and
    therefore perfectly predicts the group proportion
    for each covariate pattern.
    b. The same two models are being compared by the
    HL statistic of 0.0000, i.e., Model 2.
    c. No and Yes. The interaction model does not per-
    fectly predict each subject’s response but it does
    perfectly predict the group proportion for each
    covariate pattern.

Answers to Practice Exercises 343
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