Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

odds :

P(X) P

1 – P(X)^1 – P


describes risk in
logistic model for
individual X

logit PðXÞ¼lne

1 PðXÞ

¼log odds for individualX

For example, ifPequals 0.25, then 1P, the
probability of the opposite event, is 0.75 and
theoddsis 0.25 over 0.75, or one-third.

An oddsof one-third can be interpreted to
mean that the probability of the event occur-
ring is one-third the probability of the event not
occurring. Alternatively, we can state that the
oddsare 3to1 that the event will not happen.

The expression P(X) divided by 1P(X) has
essentially the same interpretation asPover
1 P, which ignoresX.

The main difference between the two formulae
is that the expression with theXis more spe-
cific. That is, the formula withXassumes that
the probabilities describe the risk for develop-
ing a disease, that this risk is determined by a
logistic model involving independent variables
summarized byX, and that we are interested in
the odds associated with a particular specifica-
tion ofX.

Thus, the logit form of the logistic model,
shown again here, gives an expression for the
log oddsof developing the disease for an indi-
vidual with a specific set ofXs.

And, mathematically, this expression equalsa
plus the sum of thebiXi.

As a simple example, consider what thelogit
becomes when all theXs are 0. To compute
this, we need to work with the mathematical
formula, which involves the unknown para-
meters and theXs.

If we plug in 0 for all theXs in the formula, we
find that the logit of P(X) reduces simply toa.

Because we have already seen that any logit
can be described in terms of anodds, we can
interpret this result to give some meaning to
the parametera.

One interpretation is thatagives thelog odds
for a person with zero values for allXs.

P= 0.25
1 P¼

0 : 25
0 : 75 ¼



event occurs
event does not occur

3 to 1 event will not happen


all Xi = 0: logit P(X) =?

logit P(X) = a + biXi

logit P(X) ⇒ a


(1) a¼log odds for individual with
allXi¼ 0

Presentation: VII. Logit Transformation 19
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