Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
The study involves 117 persons in 39 matched
sets, or strata, each strata containing 3 per-
sons, 1 of whom is a case and the other 2 are
matched controls.

The logistic model for the above situation can
be defined as follows: logit P(X) equalsaplusb
times SMK plus the sum of 38 terms of the form
g 1 itimesV 1 i, whereV 1 is are dummy variables
for the 39 matched sets, plusg 21 times SBP plus
g 22 times ECG plus SMK times the sum ofd 1
times SBP plusd 2 times ECG.

Here, we are considering two potential con-
founders involving the two variables (SBP and
ECG) not involved in the matching and also
two interaction variables involving these same
two variables.

The odds ratio for the above logistic model is
given by the formula e to the quantitybplus the
sum ofd 1 times SBP andd 2 times ECG.

Note that this odds ratio expression involves
the coefficientsb,d 1 , andd 2 , which are coeffi-
cients of variables involving the exposure vari-
able. In particular,d 1 andd 2 are coefficients of
the interaction termsESBP andEECG.

The model we have just described is the start-
ing model for the analysis of the dataset on 117
subjects. We now address how to carry out an
analysis strategy for obtaining a final model
that includes only the most relevant of the cov-
ariates being considered initially.

The first important issue in the analysis con-
cerns the choice of estimation method for
obtaining ML estimates. Because matching is
being used, the appropriate method is condi-
tional ML estimation. Nevertheless, we also
show the results of unconditional ML estima-
tion to illustrate the type of bias that can result
from using the wrong estimation method.

The next issue to be considered is the assess-
ment of interaction. Based on our starting
model, we, therefore, determine whether or
not either or both of the product terms SMK
SBP and SMKECG are retained in the model.

EXAMPLE (continued)

n¼117 (39 matched sets)

The model:

logit P(X) = a + bSMK + Σ g 1 iV 1 i

i= 1
= g 21 SBP + g 22 ECG

+ SMK (d 1 SBP + d 2 ECG)


ROR¼expðbþd 1 SBPþd 2 ECGÞ

b¼coefficient ofE
d 1 ¼coefficient ofESBP
d 2 ¼coefficient ofEECG

Starting model

analysis strategy
Final model

Estimation method:
üConditional ML estimation
(also, we illustrate unconditional
ML estimation)


Presentation: V. An Application 401
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