Logistic Regression Chapters
- Introduction
- Important Special Cases
3 11. Analysis of Matched Data
- Polytomous Logistic
Regression - Ordinal Logistic Regression
The reader may wish to review the detailed
summary and to try the practice exercises and
the test that follow.
Up to this point we have considered dichoto-
mous outcomes only. In the next two chapters,
the standard logistic model is extended to han-
dle outcomes with three or more categories.
This presentation:
Basic features of matching
Logistic model for matched
Illustration using 2-to-1
Interaction involving matching
Pooling exchangeable matched
Matched follow-up data
This presentation is now complete. In sum-
mary, we have described the basic features of
matching, presented a logistic regression
model for the analysis of matched data, and
have illustrated the model using an example
from a 2-to-1 matched case-control study. We
have also discussed how to assess interaction
of the matching variables with exposure, the
issue of pooling exchangeable matched sets,
and how to analyze matched follow-up data.
414 11. Analysis of Matched Data Using Logistic Regression