RACE, NP, ASCM, and PAR, and for the interaction
effect of PAR.
- For the model used in Exercise 16, describe the strat-
egy you would use to arrive at a final model that
controls for confounding and interaction.
The data below are from a hypothetical pair-matched case-
control study involving five matched pairs, where the only
matching variable is smoking (SMK). The disease variable
is called CASE and the exposure variable is called EXP. The
matched set number is identified by the variable STRA-
11 110
21 010
32 100
42 010
53 111
63 001
74 110
84 000
95 101
10 5 0 0 1 - How many concordant pairs are there where both pair
members are exposed? - How many concordant pairs are there where both
members are unexposed? - How many discordant pairs are there where the case
is exposed and the control is unexposed? - How many discordant pairs are there where case is
unexposed and the control is exposed?
The table below summarizes the matched pairs informa-
tion described in the previous questions.
E notE
E 12
notE 11
- What is the estimated MOR for these data?
- What type of matched analysis is being used with this
table, pooled or unpooled? Explain briefly.
The table below groups the matched pairs information
described in Exercises 19–22 into two smoking strata.
422 11. Analysis of Matched Data Using Logistic Regression