The 95% confidence intervals are calculated
using the standard errors of the parameter esti-
mates from the three-variable model, which
are 0.4118 and 0.3280 for^b 11 and^b 12 , respec-
These confidence intervals are calculated with
the usual large-sample formula as shown on
the left. For OR 1 , this yields a confidence inter-
val of 1.20 to 6.01, whereas for OR 2 , this yields
a confidence interval of 0.70 to 2.52. The confi-
dence interval for OR 2 contains the null value
(i.e., 1.0), whereas the interval for OR 1 does
The procedures for the likelihood ratio test and
for the Wald tests follow the same format as
described earlier for the polytomous model
with one independent variable.
The likelihood ratio test compares the reduced
model without the age group variable to the full
model with the age group variable. This test is
distributed approximately chi-square with two
degrees of freedom. Minus two times the log
likelihood for the reduced model is 500.97, and
for the full model, it is 494.41. The difference of
6.56 is statistically significant at the 0.05 level
The Wald tests are carried out as before, with
the same null hypotheses. The Wald statistic
forb 11 is equal to 2.40 and forb 21 is equal to
0.86. The P-value for b 11 is 0.02, while the
P-value forb 21 is 0.39. We therefore reject the
null hypothesis forb 11 but not forb 21.
EXAMPLE (continued)
95% confidence intervals
Use standard errors from three-
variable model:
s^b 11 ¼ 0 : 4118 ; s^b 21 ¼ 0 : 3280
95% CI for OR 1
¼exp½ 0 : 9871 1 : 96 ð 0 : 4118 Þ
¼ð 1 : 20 ; 6 : 01 Þ
95% CI for OR 2
¼exp½ 0 : 2832 1 : 96 ð 0 : 3280 Þ
¼ð 0 : 70 ; 2 : 52 Þ
Likelihood ratio test
Wald tests
same procedures
as with one predictor
Likelihood ratio test
Reduced: 500.97
Full: 494.41
Difference: 6.56
(w^2 , with 2 df)
Wald tests
H 0 :b 11 ¼ 0 ðcategory 1 vs: 0 Þ
0 : 9871
0 : 4118
¼ 2 : 40 ; P¼ 0 : 02
H 0 :b 21 ¼ 0 ðcategory 2 vs: 0 Þ
Z¼^0 :^2832
0 : 3280
¼ 0 : 86 ; P¼ 0 : 39
Presentation: V. Extending the Polytomous Model toGOutcomes 447