Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
PðDgjX 1 ¼ 1 Þ=PðD<gjX 1 ¼ 1 Þ
PðDgjX 1 ¼ 0 Þ=PðD<gjX 1 ¼ 0 Þ


expagþb 1 ð 1 Þ

expagþb 1 ð 0 Þ

¼expðagþb^1 Þ


General case
(levelsX* 1 andX 1 ofX 1 )


expðagþb 1 X 1 **Þ
expðagþb 1 X* 1 Þ


expðagÞexpðb 1 X** 1 Þ
expðagÞexpðb 1 X* 1 Þ


b 1 ðX** 1 X* 1 Þ


CIs:same method as SLR to com-
pute CIs

General case (levels X 1 * and X 1
ofX 1 )

95% CI:


1 ðX
1 X
1 Þ ^1 :^96 X
1 X

s^b 1


This is calculated, as shown on the left, as the
odds that the disease outcome is greater than
or equal togifX 1 equals 1, divided by the odds
that the disease outcome is greater than or
equal togifX 1 equals 0.

Substituting the expression for the odds in
terms of the regression parameters, the odds
ratio forX 1 ¼1vs.X 1 ¼0 in the comparison of
disease levelsgto levels<gisthenetotheb 1.

To compare any two levels of the exposure
variable,X 1 **andX* 1 , the odds ratio formula is
e to theb 1 times the quantityX** 1 minusX* 1.

Confidence interval estimation is also analo-
gous to standard logistic regression. The gen-
eral large-sample formula for a 95% confidence
interval, for any two levels of the independent
variable (X** 1 andX* 1 ), is shown on the left.

Returning to our tumor-grade example, the
results for the model examining tumor grade
and RACE are presented next. The results were
obtained from running PROC LOGISTIC in
SAS (see Appendix).

We first check the proportional odds assump-
tion with aScore test. The test statistic, with
one degree of freedom for the one odds ratio
parameter being tested, was clearly not signifi-
cant, with aP-value of 0.9779. We therefore fail
to reject the null hypothesis (i.e., that the
assumption holds) and can proceed to examine
the model output.

Black/White Cancer Survival Study

Test of proportional odds assumption:
H 0 : assumption holds
Score statistic:w^2 ¼0.0008, df¼1,
Conclusion: fail to reject null

Presentation: III. Odds Ratios and Confidence Limits 473
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