Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
The odds that the tumor grade is in a category
greater than or equal to category 2 (i.e., poorly
differentiated) vs. in categories less than 2 (i.e.,
moderately or well differentiated) is e to the
quantitya 2 plus the sum ofb 1 X 1 plusb 2 X 2.

Similarly, the odds that the tumor grade is in a
category greater than or equal to category 1
(i.e., moderately or poorly differentiated) vs.
in categories less than 1 (i.e., well differen-
tiated) is e to the quantitya 1 plus the sum of
b 1 X 1 plusb 2 X 2. Although the alphas are differ-
ent, the betas are the same.

Before examining the model output, we first
check the proportional odds assumption with
a Score test. The test statistic has two degrees
of freedom because we have two fewer para-
meters in the ordinal model compared to the
corresponding polytomous model. The results
are not statistically significant, with aP-value
of 0.64. We therefore fail to reject the null
hypothesis that the assumption holds and can
proceed to examine the remainder of the model

The output for the analysis is shown on the left.
There is only one beta estimate for each of the
two predictor variables in the model. Thus,
there are a total of four parameters in the
model, including the two intercepts.

EXAMPLE (continued)

odds =

different as same

P(D ³ 2 X)
P(D < 2 X)

odds =P(D^ ³^1 X)
P(D < 1 X)

= exp(a 2 + b 1 X 1 + b 2 X 2 )

= exp(a 1 + b 1 X 1 + b 2 X 2 )

Test of proportional odds assumption

H 0 : assumption holds
Score statistic:w^2 ¼0.9051, 2 df,
Conclusion: fail to reject null

Variable Estimate S.E. Symbol

Intercept 1 1.2744 0.2286 ^a 2
Intercept 2 0.5107 0.2147 ^a 1

RACE 0.4270 0.2720 ^b 1
ESTROGEN0.7763 0.2493 ^b 2

Presentation: IV. Extending the Ordinal Model 477
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