XI. Score Equations and
“Score-like” Equations
L¼likelihood function
ML solves estimating equations
calledscore equations.
S 1 ¼
@b 0
¼ 0
S 2 ¼
@b 1
¼ 0
Spþ 1 ¼
¼ 0
pþ 1 equations in
pþ 1 unknowns
In GLM, score equations involve
mi¼E(Yi) and var(Yi)
K¼# of subjects
pþ 1 ¼# of parameters
(bh,h¼0, 1, 2,...,p)
Yields pþ1 score equations
S 1 ,S 2 ,...,Spþ 1
(see formula on next page)
The estimation of parameters often involves
solving a system of equations called estimating
equations. GLM utilizes maximum likelihood
(ML) estimation methods. The likelihood is a
function of the unknown parameters and the
observed data. Once the likelihood is formu-
lated, the parameters are estimated by finding
the values of the parameters that maximize the
likelihood. A common approach for maximiz-
ing the likelihood uses calculus. The partial
derivatives of the log likelihood with respect to
each parameter are set to zero. If there are
pþ1 parameters, including the intercept,
then there arepþ1 partial derivatives and,
thus,pþ1 equations. These estimating equa-
tions are calledscore equations. The maximum
likelihood estimates are then found by solving
the system of score equations.
For GLM, the score equations have a special
form due to the fact that the responses follow
a distribution from the exponential family.
These score equations can be expressed in
terms of the means (mi) and the variances
[var(Yi)] of the responses, which are modeled
in terms of the unknown parameters (b 0 ,b 1 ,
b 2 ,...,bp), and the observed data.
If there areKsubjects, with each subject con-
tributing one response, andpþ1 beta para-
meters (b 0 ,b 1 ,b 2 ,...,bp), then there arepþ 1
score equations, one equation for each of the
pþ1 beta parameters, with bh being the
(hþ1)st element of the vector of parameters.
Presentation: XI. Score Equations and “Score-like” Equations 521