Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Answers to

  1. The stationary 4-dependent working correlation struc-
    ture uses four correlation parameters (a 1 ,a 2 ,a 3 , and
    a 4 ). The correlation between responses from the same
    infant 1 month apart isa 1. The correlation between
    responses from the same infant 2, 3, or 4 months apart
    isa 2 ,a 3 , anda 4 , respectively. The correlation between
    responses from the same infant more than 4 months
    apart is assumed to be 0.

  2. Estimated OR¼exp(0.1636)¼1.18. 95% CI (with
    empirical SE): exp[0.1636  1.96(0.8722)]¼(0.21,
    6.51); 95% CI (with model-based SE): exp[0.1636
    1.96(0.2841)]¼(0.67, 2.06).

  3. The model-based variance estimator would be a con-
    sistent estimator if the true correlation structure was
    stationary 4-dependent. In general, model-based vari-
    ance estimators are more efficient {i.e., smaller
    var½dvarðb^ފ}if the correlation structure is correctly

  4. The 95% confidence interval with the empirical stan-
    dard errors is preferred since we cannot be confident
    that the true correlation structure is stationary

  5. The stationary 8-dependent correlation structure uses
    eight correlation parameters. With nine monthly
    responses per infant, each correlation parameter
    represents the correlation for a specific time interval
    between responses. The unstructured correlation
    structure, on the other hand, uses a different correla-
    tion parameter for each possible correlation for a
    given infant, yielding 36 correlation parameters.
    With the stationary 8-dependent correlation struc-
    ture, the correlation between an infant’s month 1
    response and month 7 response is assumed to equal
    the correlation between an infant’s month 2 response
    and month 8 response since the time interval between
    responses is the same (i.e., 6 months). The unstruc-
    tured correlation structure does not make this
    assumption, using a different correlation parameter
    even if the time interval is the same.

  6. There areð^9 Þð 28 Þ¼ 36 correlation parameters using the
    unstructured correlation structure on the infant care
    data and 8 parameters using the stationary 8-depen-
    dent correlation structure. The difference is 28 corre-
    lation parameters.

  7. By examining the correlation estimates in the unstruc-
    tured working correlation matrix, we can evaluate
    which alternate, but more constrained, correlation
    structures seem reasonable. For example, if the

564 15. GEE Examples

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