Key difference:GEE vs. ALR
GEE:rjkare typically nuisance
ALR: ORjkare parameters of
ALR: allows inferences about both
III. Conditional Logistic
This points out a key difference in the GEE and
ALR approaches. With the GEE approach, the
correlation parameters are typically consid-
ered to be nuisance parameters, with the para-
meters of interest being the regression
coefficients (e.g., ASPIRIN). In contrast, with
the ALR approach, the association between
different responses is also considered to be of
interest. Thus, the ALR approach allows statis-
tical inferences to be assessed from both the
alpha parameter and the beta parameters
(regression coefficients).
Another approach that is applicable for certain
types of correlated data is a matched analysis.
This method can be applied to the Heartburn
Relief Study example, with “subject” used as
the matching factor. This example was pre-
sented in detail in Chap. 15. Recall that the
dataset contained 40 subjects, each receiving
an active or standard treatment for the relief of
heartburn. In this framework, within each
matched stratum (i.e., subject), there is an
exposed observation (the active treatment)
and an unexposed observation (the standard
treatment). A conditional logistic regression
(CLR) model, as discussed in Chap. 11, can
then be formulated to perform a matched anal-
ysis. The model is shown on the left.
This model differs from the GEE model for the
same data, also shown on the left, in that the
conditional model contains 39 dummy variables
besides RX. Each of the parameters (gi)forthe
39 dummy variables represents the (fixed)
effects for each of 39 subjects on the outcome.
The 40th subject acts as the reference group
since all of the dummy variables have a value
of zero for the 40th subject (see Chap. 11).
Heartburn Relief Study
(“subject” as matching factor)
40 subjects received:
Active treatment (“exposed”)
Standard treatment
CLR model
logit PðXÞ¼b 0 þb 1 RXþ~
i¼ 1
1 for subjecti
0 otherwise
GEE model
logit PðXÞ¼b 0 þb 1 RX
39 Vi
Presentation: III. Conditional Logistic Regression 575