Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

IV. The Generalized Linear
Mixed Model

Mixed models:

 Random effects

 Fixed effects

 Cluster effect is random

Mixed logistic model (MLM):
Special case of GLMM
Combines GEE and CLR features


User specifies

g(m) and Ci

GLMM: subject-specific effects random



The generalized linear mixed model (GLMM)
provides another approach that can be used for
correlated dichotomous outcomes. GLMM is a
generalization of the linear mixed model.
Mixed models refer to themixingof random
and fixed effects. With this approach, the clus-
ter variable is considered a random effect. This
means that the cluster effect is a random vari-
able following a specified distribution (typi-
cally a normal distribution).

A special case of the GLMM is the mixed logis-
tic model (MLM). This type of model combines
some of the features of the GEE approach and
some of the features of the conditional logistic
regression approach. As with the GEE
approach, the user specifies the logit link func-
tion and a structure (Ci) for modeling response
correlation. As with the conditional logistic
regression approach, subject-specific effects
are directly included in the model. However,
here these subject-specific effects are treated
as random rather than fixed effects. The
model is commonly stated in terms of theith
subject’s mean response (mi).

We again use the heartburn data to illustrate
the model (shown on the left) and state it in
terms of theith subject’s mean response, which
in this case is theith subject’s probability of
heartburn relief. The coefficientb 1 is called a
fixed effect, whereasb 0 i is called a random
effect. The random effect (b 0 i) in this model is
assumed to follow a normal distribution with
mean 0 and variancesb 02. Subject-specific ran-
dom effects are designed to account for the
subject-to-subject variation, which may be
due to unexplained genetic or environmental
factors that are otherwise unaccounted for in
the model. More generally, random effects are
often used when levels of a variable are selected
at random from a large population of possible


Heartburn Relief Study

logit mi = b 0 + b 1 RXi + b 0 i

b 1 = fixed effect

b 0 i = random effect,

where b 0 i is a random variable
~ N(0, sb 02 )

580 16. Other Approaches for Analysis of Correlated Data

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