C. As with the conditional logistic regression
approach, subject-specific effects are included
in the model:
logitmi¼PðD¼ 1 jRXÞ¼b 0 þb 1 RXiþb 0 i;
wherebiis a random variable from a normal
distribution with mean¼0 and variance¼sb 02.
D. Comparing the conditional logistic model and
the mixed logistic model:
i. The conditional logistic model:
logitmi¼b 0 þb 1 RXþgi;wheregiis a
fixed effect
ii. The mixed logistic model:
logitmi¼b 0 þb 1 RXþb 0 i;
whereb 0 iis a random effect:
E. Interpretation of the odds ratio:
i. Marginal model: population average OR
ii. Subject-specific effects model: individual OR.
V. Summary(page 588)
590 16. Other Approaches for Analysis of Correlated Data