Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Nominal Regression

Case Processing Summary
NEWTYPE .00 57
1.00 45
2.00 184
Valid 286
Missing 2
Total 288

Parameter Estimates
B Std. error Wald df Sig.
.00 Intercept 1.203 .319 14.229 1 .000
AGE .282 .328 .741 1 .389
ESTROGEN .107 .307 .122 1 .727
SMOKING 1.791 1.046 2.930 1 .087
1.00 Intercept 1.882 .402 21.869 1 .000
AGE .987 .412 5.746 1 .017
ESTROGEN .644 .344 3.513 1 .061
SMOKING .889 .525 2.867 1 .090

Exp(B) 95% Confidence interval for Exp(B)
NEWTYPE Lower bound Upper bound
.00 Intercept
AGE 1.326 .697 2.522
ESTROGEN .898 .492 1.639
SMOKING .167 2.144E-02 1.297
1.00 Intercept
AGE 2.683 1.197 6.014
ESTROGEN .525 .268 1.030
SMOKING 2.434 .869 6.815

There are two parameter estimates for each independent variable and two intercepts.
The estimates are grouped by comparison. The first set compares NEWTYPE¼0to
NEWTYPE¼2. The second comparison is for NEWTYPE¼1 to NEWTYPE¼2.
With the original coding of the subtype variable, these are the comparisons of
SUBTYPE¼2 to SUBTYPE¼0 and SUBTYPE¼1 to SUBTYPE¼0 respectively.
The odds ratio for AGE¼1 vs. AGE¼0 comparing SUBTYPE¼2 vs. SUBTYPE¼0is

Ordinal Logistic Regression

Ordinal logistic regression is carried out in SPSS using the PLUM procedure. We
again use the cancer dataset to demonstrate this model. For this analysis, the variable

644 Appendix: Computer Programs for Logistic Regression

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