Note: above table not for simple
B¼ 1 B¼ 0
A¼ (^1) R 11 R 10
A¼ 0 R 01 R 00
B= 1
A= 1
A= (^0) referent cell
B= 0
OR 11 ¼odds(1, 1)/odds(0, 0)
OR 10 ¼odds(1, 0)/odds(0, 0)
OR 01 ¼odds(0, 1)/odds(0, 0)
odds (A,B)¼RAB/(1RAB)
OR 11 ¼
R 11 =ðÞ 1 R 11
R 00 =ðÞ 1 R 00
R 11 ðÞ 1 R 00
R 00 ðÞ 1 R 11
OR 10 ¼
R 10 =ðÞ 1 R 10
R 00 =ðÞ 1 R 00
R 10 ðÞ 1 R 00
R 00 ðÞ 1 R 10
OR 01 ¼
R 01 =ðÞ 1 R 01
R 00 =ðÞ 1 R 00
R 01 ðÞ 1 R 00
R 00 ðÞ 1 R 01
RABðÞ 1 R 00
R 00 ðÞ 1 RAB
A¼0, 1; B¼0, 1
Note that the two-way table presented here
does not describe a simple analysis because
the row and column headings of the table
denote two independent variables rather than
one independent variable and one disease vari-
able. Moreover, the information provided
within the table is a collection of four risks
corresponding to different combinations of
both independent variables, rather than four
cell frequencies corresponding to different
exposure-disease combinations.
Within this framework, odds ratios can be
defined to compare the odds for any one cell
in the two-way table of risks with the odds for
any other cell. In particular, three odds ratios
of typical interest compare each of three of the
cells to areferent cell. The referent cell is usually
selected to be the combinationAequals 0 andB
equals 0. The three odds ratios are then defined
as OR 11 ,OR 10 , and OR 01 , where OR 11 equals
the odds for cell 11 divided by the odds for cell
00, OR 10 equals the odds for cell 10 divided by
the odds for cell 00, and OR 01 equals the odds
for cell 01 divided by the odds for cell 00.
As the odds for any cellA,Bis defined in terms
of risks asRABdivided by 1 minusRAB, we can
obtain the following expressions for the three
odds ratios: OR 11 equals the product of R 11
times 1 minusR 00 divided by the product of
R 00 times 1 minus R 11. The corresponding
expressions for OR 10 and OR 01 are similar,
where the subscript 11 in the numerator and
denominator of the 11 formula is replaced by
10 and 01, respectively.
In general, without specifying the value ofA
andB, we can write the odds ratio formulae
as ORABequals the product ofRABand 1 minus
R 00 divided by the product ofR 00 and 1RAB,
whereAtakes on the values 0 and 1 andBtakes
on the values 0 and 1.
50 2. Important Special Cases of the Logistic Model