Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Which model? Requiresstrategy

  1. Computing the Odds Ratio

It should not be surprising to see different
values for corresponding coefficients as the
two models give a different description of the
underlying relationship among the variables.
To decide which of these models, or maybe
what other model, is more appropriate for
this data, we need to use astrategyfor model
selection that includes carrying out tests of
significance. A discussion of such a strategy is
beyond the scope of this presentation but is
described elsewhere (see Chaps. 6 and 7).

This presentation is now complete. We have
described important special cases of the logis-
tic model, namely, models for

We suggest that you review the material cov-
ered here by reading the detailed outline that
follows. Then do the practice exercises and

All of the special cases in this presentation
involved a (0, 1) exposure variable. In the next
chapter, we consider how the odds ratio for-
mula is modified for other codings of single
exposures and also examine several exposure
variables in the same model, controlling for
potential confounders and effect modifiers.


  1. Introduction
    3 2. Important Special Cases

 simple analysis
 interaction assessment involving two
 assessment of potential confounding and
interaction effects of several covariates

64 2. Important Special Cases of the Logistic Model

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