Chemistry, Third edition

(Wang) #1

Simplest formula

Just as the percentage composition by mass can be calculated from the formula of a

compound, the simplest formula of a compound can be found from the percentage

composition by mass of each element. The simplest formula is also known as the

empirical formula. Here, ‘empirical’ means ‘obtained from experimental results’.

To find the simplest formula:

1.Write down the symbols of the elements involved in the compound.

2.Write the percentage composition of each element under its symbol.

3.Divide each percentage by the molar mass of that element (‘the atomic mass in

grams’) to obtain a molar ratio.

4.Find the simplest, whole number, molar ratio to work out the formula of the



Calculating simplest
(or empirical)

(i) When methane is
analysed it is found to
contain 75% C and 25%
H. What is its empirical
(ii)15.3 g of aluminium
atoms combine with
13.6 g of oxygen atoms
to form an oxide. What
is the simplest formula
of the oxide?
(iii)0.4764 g of an oxide of
iron contained 0.3450 g
of iron. What is the
empirical formula of the
(iv)A compound contains
sodium (32.3%), sulfur
(22.5%) and oxygen
only. What is its
empirical formula?

Exercise 8F

Example 8.5

Calculate the simplest, or empirical, formula for a compound
that contains 27.3% C and 72.7% O by mass.


Symbols of elements involved C O
Percentage composition 27.3 72.7
Divide by molar masses 27.3 72.7
12 16

Molar ratio 22.3 24.5
Simplest whole number ratio 22.3 24.5
(this can often be obtained by dividing 22.3 22.3
through by the smallest number)
This is approximately 21 22
Therefore, the simplest formula of the compound is CO 2.


Sometimes the composition of elements in the compound is given as mass of ele-
ments in a given mass of compound. In this case, the procedure is the same, but
the mass of each element is substituted for the percentage composition by mass.

Example 8.4

Calculate the percentage composition by mass of nitrogen in
ammonium nitrate, NH 4 NO 3.

Answer m(N)14 u

m(NH 4 NO 3 ) 14 (41) 14 (316)80 u
number of atoms of N  2

percentage composition by mass 

14  2  100

composition by

Find the percentage
composition by mass of:
(i) sulfur in Na 2 SO 4
(ii)sodium in
Na 2 CO 3 · 10H 2 O
(iii)oxygen in Al(NO 3 ) 3
(iv)bromine in CaBr 2
(v)sulfate in (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4.

Exercise 8E

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