Chemistry, Third edition

(Wang) #1

Ion concentrations

When ionic solids are dissolved in water, they are regarded as completely ionized in

solution. It is sometimes necessary to express the solution in terms of the concentra-

tions of the ions present, as shown in the examples below:

1.An aqueous NaCl solution, of concentration 1 mol dm^3 , contains Na+(aq) and

Cl(aq) ions. Each NaCl unit is dissociated in solution as follows:

NaCl(aq)Na(aq) + Cl(aq)

1.As 1 mol NaCl produces 1 mol Naand 1 mol Cl, a solution of NaCl of concen-

tration 1 mol dm^3 , contains a concentration of 1 mol dm^3 Na(aq) ions and
1 mol dm^3 Cl(aq) ions.

2.An aqueous CaCl 2 solution, of concentration 1 mol dm^3 , contains Ca^2 (aq)

and Cl(aq) ions. Each CaCl 2 unit is dissociated in solution as follows:

CaCl 2 (aq)Ca^2 (aq) + 2Cl(aq)

1.A solution of CaCl 2 of concentration 1 mol dm^3 , contains a concentration of

1 mol dm^3 Ca^2 (aq) and contains a concentration of 2 mol dm^3 Cl(aq).

3.Similarly, a 0.1 mol dm^3 solution of Na 3 PO 4 (aq) contains Na(aq) at a concen-

tration of 0.3 mol dm^3 and PO^34 (aq) at a concentration of 0.1 mol dm^3.


BOX 9.1

Concentrations of pure solids and pure liquids
Concentration is measured in mol dm^3. This is a measure of the number of particles per unit
volume of the substance. In pure solids or pure liquids the number of particles in a given
volume can be calculated from the density and this is constant, at constant temperature. Since
the density of a given pure solid or pure liquid is constant, at constant temperature, so is its

1.The density of copper metal at 298 K is 8.92 g cm^3. This is equivalent to 8920 g dm^3 ,
or a concentration of 8920/63.5 mol dm^3 , which approximates to 140 mol dm^3.

2.The density of pure water at 298 K is 1 g cm^3 , equivalent to 1000 g dm^3 or a
concentration of 1000/18 mol dm^3. This approximates to 56 mol dm^3.

Concentration of solutions

(i) Sodium chloride (58.5 g) is dissolved in water. More water is then added so that the total
volume is 100 cm^3. What is the concentration of the solution in mol dm^3?
(ii)Calculate the concentration (in mol dm^3 ) of hydrated copper(II) sulfate (CuSO 4 ·5H 2 O) in a
solution originally prepared by dissolving 0.1 g of the solid in water and making up to
50 cm^3 with water.
(iii)What volume of sodium chloride solution of concentration 0.2 mol dm^3 contains 10 mol of
(iv)What mass of hydrated sodium carbonate (Na 2 CO 3 · 10H 2 O) should be dissolved in water
and made up to exactly 1 dm^3 in order to make the solution a concentration of
0.100 mol dm^3?

Exercise 9A

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