Chemistry, Third edition

(Wang) #1

Concentration as percentage composition

Many solutions in industry are expressed in one of two ways:

1.Percent by mass (or ‘weight’), often written as percentage


percentage composition by mass

mass of solute
mass of solution

2.Percent by volume, often written as percentage (v/v):

percentage composition by volume

volume of liquid solute
volume of solution

Aqueous concentrations in ppm
and ppb

(i) Drinking water is considered acceptable if it
contains less than 500 ppm of chloride ions
(Cl). What is this concentration in
mol dm^3?
(ii)A standard solution contains 1000 ppm of
chloride ions. If a 50 cm^3 sample of this
standard solution were diluted to 250 cm^3 ,
what would be the concentration of the new
(iii)An aqueous solution of silver ions (Ag) is of
concentration 0.0005 ppm. Express this
concentration in ppb.

BOX 9.4 Exercise 9J

Measuring the alcohol content in spirits
An old-fashioned way of measuring the alcohol (the chemical name is
ethanol) content in spirits is to quote the concentration of alcohol in
terms of degrees proof. The measurement was made by pouring the
spirit over gunpowder. If the gunpowder would not burn, the spirit was
‘under-proof’ – it contained too much water. The spirit that had a
concentration of ethanol that would justallow gunpowder to burn was
termed 100 proof spirit, written 100. A sample that is 100contains
50% ethanol (v/v), so 70whisky contains about 35% ethanol.

Percentage compositions

(i) Glucose sugar has the formula C 6 H 12 O 6. If
you dissolved 15.5 g of glucose in 100 g of
water, what would be the concentration of
glucose, expressed as a percentage
composition by mass?
(ii)A concentrated ammonia solution is labelled
as 28% (w/w). How many grams of ammonia
are in 150 g of the solution?
(iii)A wine bottle has 12% (v/v) written on the
label, this describes the ethanol content in
the wine. What volume of ethanol is in a 1.5 L
bottle of wine?
(iv)Strong vodka is 85proof. What volume of
ethanol does a 1 L bottle contain?

Exercise 9K

Label from a wine bottle clearly showing the alcohol content. Wines
generally contain between 8% and 14% ethanol.
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