Chemistry, Third edition

(Wang) #1

Calculation of H

using standard enthalpies of


On page 222, we used Hess’s law to calculate H^ —for the reaction
HCl(g)NH 3 (g)NH 4 Cl(s)

obtainingH—^  176.0 kJ mol^1. The same answer may be obtained by adding
the standard enthalpies of formation of HCl(g) and NH 3 (g) together, and subtract-
ing this sum from the standard enthalpy of formation of ammonium chloride:
H—^ H—f^ (NH 4 Cl(s))[Hf—^ (HCl(g))H^ —f(NH 3 (g))]

TheH^ —f values (kJ mol^1 ) obtained from Table 13.2 are:
H—f^ (NH 4 Cl(s)) 314.4; Hf—^ (HCl(g)) 92.3; Hf—^ (NH 3 (g))] 46.1

so that
H—^ (314.4)(92.3() 46.1)  176.0 kJ mol^1

This method is easier to use than the algebraic method based upon Hess’s law, and
we will now generalize the calculation so that it applies to all reactions:
●To work out the standard enthalpy change (H^ —) of any reaction from H—f^ f
values, substitute into the following equation:

H—^ H—f^ (products)H—f^ (reactants) (13.15)

whereH—f^ (products) is the sum of the standard enthalpies of formation of the
products in the reaction, and H—f^ (reactants) is the sum of the standard
enthalpies of formation of the reactants.
●When summing the enthalpies of formation, the enthalpy of formation of each
substance must be multiplied by its coefficientin the balanced equation for the
reaction. This will be seen in Example 13.4.


Example 13.4

CalculateH^ —at 298 K for the production of three moles of
copper by the reaction:

3CuO(s)2NH 3 (g) N 2 (g)3H 2 O(l)3Cu(s) (A)

H^ —H^ —f(products)H^ —f(reactants)

H^ —[H—f^ (N 2 (g)) 3 H—f^ (H 2 O(l)) 3 Hf^ —(Cu(s))][3H—f^ (CuO(s)) 2 H^ —f(NH 3 (g))]
The numbers indicated by arrows are the coefficients in the chemical equation.
Using the standard enthalpy of formation data in Table 13.2,

Enthalpy of formation
Complete the following thermochemical equations which refer to the formation of one mole
of the substances shown at 298 K:

................ . H 2 SO 4 (l) H—^ f 814kJmol^1
................ . C 6 H 12 O 6 (s) H—^ f 1268 kJ mol^1

Exercise 13G

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