The rate constant
●One way to look at kis to think of it as the rate of reaction when all of the reactant
concentrations are exactly 1 mol dm^3.
●kincreases with the temperature of the reaction mixture. Therefore, the reaction
rate also increases with temperature (Box 14.2).
●The size of kis decided by the activation energy for the reaction (a low EAmeans a
highkvalue and vice versa). Naturally fast reactions have high rate constants.
●The units of kdepend upon the overall order of reaction (Table 14.2).
Example 14.2
The reaction between A and B follows the rate expression
rate of reaction k[A][B]
What is the overall order of reaction? What are the units of k?
We can rewrite this as
Rate of reaction k[A]x[B]ywherexy 1
The reaction is therefore first order with respect to the reactants A and B. Overall,
the reaction order is xy 1 1 2, i.e. it is second order overall.
For the units of k, rearranging for kgives
krate of reaction
The units of kare therefore
mol dm^3 s^1
mol dm^3 mol dm^3
mol dm^3 s^1
mol dm^3 mol dm^3
mol^1 dm^3 s^1
Note that a reaction which is overallsecond order would also be obtained if the
rate expression was:
rate of reaction k[A]^2 or rate of reaction k[B]^2
Working out the overall order from the rate expression
What is the overall order of reactions possessing the following rate expressions?
(i) rate of reaction k[A][B]^0 (iii)rate of reaction k[E]0.5[G]0.5
(ii)rate of reaction k[D]^2 (iv)rate of reaction k[B][J][N].
Exercise 14G
Table 14.2Units of
rate constants
Overall order Units of rate
of reaction constant
Zeroth mol dm^3 s^1
First s^1
Second mol^1 dm^3 s^1
Third mol^2 dm^6 s^1