Double Your Dating

(Amelia) #1

women. Women may demand things, whine, and act like
a pain, but it’s usually all a test of one sort or another.

If you’re weak, shy, or submissive, get over it. Start
walking a little taller, acting a little more self-centered,
and taking what you want.

Now, I have to be careful here. I want to make sure
you don’t start acting like an ‘asshole’ to women. The
masculine man says, “No” to a woman calmly. The
Asshole says, “No” to a woman in an angry tone. Get it?

How To Tease (How To Speak Woman) ...................

When I first met one particular girl, I took her hand
when she got into the car and held it for a few seconds...
then took it away saying, “No hand holding this early”, as
if it were her idea... then at lunch, I put out my hand for
her to take it and then when she went to take it, I moved
it before she touched me... then did it again... and again
saying, “No, really...”

Finally, after the meal was finished, I reached out for
her hand, and she wouldn’t take mine because I had
teased her so much. So I actually grabbed her hand and
held it and massaged it. This was teasing and teasing...
and when she finally gave up, I gave it to her.

Then, when I gave her a hug later on, she kissed me
on the cheek or neck a couple of times, and I accused her
of kissing me a lot, etc. (The idea is that she’s into me
and she’s the aggressor.) One part of this is me doing
something (holding her hand) and then accusing her of
doing it (“no hand holding this early”).

This kind of behavior, sending mixed messages, and
flirting doesn’t really make sense to most men, but to
women it’s magic.

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