■Are there any traditions or rituals that must be presented to
project the corporate message, such as company songs and
slogans, festivals, contests, sports and recreation activities,
and family-oriented activities?
■What adjustments or evolutionary changes in the corporate
message are desired, to be introduced at the event but, even
more important, to be projected through the marketing strategy
that precedes the event and establishes the desired message?
■Is there a formal set of policies and procedures establishing
corporate behavior? Elements such as internal standards of
addressing other employees of different rank and other in-
teractions, decorum for public behavior, and requirements
for meeting preparation and participation are essential to un-
derstanding the profile of the company and the expectation
of its employees.
It is essential that you do your homework.The diversity of cor-
porate cultures and messages are complex and wide. Applying one
set of marketing strategies to one company’s needs will not apply
to all. The successful marketing executive reads the needs of the
corporation before prescribing the marketing plan.
Marketing Incentive Programs
Incentive programs are designed with one element in mind: to re-
ward exceptional sales performance and other levels of achieve-
ment by employees during a defined period of time, in order to
meet corporate goals and objectives. Standards to be achieved for
an employee to become eligible often include sales, but also may
involve production levels, tenure with the company, new ideas
and concepts, or cost-saving strategies.
More than any other type of corporate event, the incentive pro-
gram demands that effective marketing be utilized from the be-
ginning to emphasize the levels of performance required to win a
trip to an exotic location (often with spouse or guest) or a special
award or bonus. Extensive promotion should begin at the time the
goals of the company and the rewards available for achieving those
goals are established. It should continue throughout the campaign
to keep those targets in front of employees and remind them of the
deadlines toward which they are working to be eligible for that
138 Chapter 6 Marketing Corporate Meetings, Products, Services, and Events