Event Marketing: How to Successfully Promote Events, Festivals, Conventions, and Expositions

(WallPaper) #1

introduced through traditional marketing forces such as public re-
lations, advertising, specialty advertising items, e-mail, the Inter-
net, and press kits to begin the external communications process.
With corporate meetings, internal communications are essen-
tial in delivering the message, creating an understanding of the
message of the event and the corporate posture for its intended
achievement. Attendance is not the purpose of the internal com-
munication, but enthusiasm for the purpose of attending is. The
external communications effort will be more expansive and ex-
pensive, but worth the effort if market research has been thorough.
As we have noted earlier, distributors, franchise owners, retailers,
and other external markets such as the general public may have to
be attracted and persuaded to attend. Whether attracting local
awareness to the corporation’s presence or trumpeting the open-
ing of a new shopping mall or public park, external communica-
tions may include a number of marketing elements and “mini-
events” designed to attract attention. The communication should
be designed not just to create awareness and interest, but also to
sustain an increasing excitement that will build until the opening
Some tools for external communications are worth further

■Press releases and press kits
■Street fairs, parades, and stunts
■Sample products and descriptive literature
■Street banners, outdoor advertising, and transit system
■Public relations campaigns aimed at local officials
■Book signings and celebrity appearances
■Special discounts offered by participating merchants
■Press conferences
■Receptions for local leaders and corporate executives
■Public service announcements (PSAs)
■Requests for coverage (print and electronic media)

Each corporate event, regardless of its nature, is primarily de-
signed to serve the interests, goals, and objectives of the company.
Internal communications are aimed at the targeted employees of
the firm. External communications are aimed at customers, sup-
pliers, stockholders, distributors, wholesalers, retailers, and others

Internal and External Communications 143
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