Individual Event Marketing Methods
Result (Return on Event Marketing
Event Type Marketing Method Measurement)
Convention World Wide Web Improved early registration and increased sales
of other event products (such as tours, special
events) through targeted marketing due to data
base analysis.
Festival Nontraditional media Use of doctors’ offices, hospitals, and
pharmacies to market health and wellness
festivals, use of sport venues to market
classical and other highbrow musical events
will produce higher yield in ticket sales due to
market segmentation and avoidance of clutter
from other media as is typical with television,
radio, and print advertising.
Exposition Cooperative advertising Exhibitors will increasingly become
co-marketers as well as event vendors to
reduce cost, increase ability to target, and
improve yield in attendance.
Education Affinity marketing Alumni, friends of the university or school,
and other stakeholders will become
ambassadors or influencers to refer qualified
prospective students or event attendees in
order to provide strong third-party
endorsement and reduce risk of attendee
Social World Wide Web and The World Wide Web will be used to promote
Telephony attendance at a wide range of social events, the
Web will be integrated with the telephone
system to provide real-time chat capability at
reduced cost, and the integration of the Web
and television will allow event guests to
preview, select, and then review activities
taking place before, during, and after the event.
Figure 8-2
The nature of the event itself may dictate the marketing methods
selected. The event marketer will set a strategy of identifying
avenues of communication and influence to attract attention and