In Appreciation Of
Dr. Joe Goldblatt,CSEP, who, at his relatively tender age, has al-
ready become known worldwide as a patriarch of modern event
management and marketing practices. Grabbing the sword and
leading the charge toward completion of this book, he guided and
encouraged me to stay the course and take the hill. I am forever in
his debt.
JoAnna Turtletaub,whose timeless patience and cheerful sup-
port as our publisher’s senior editor was such a significant asset
during the writing, assimilation, and completion of the project.
Erin M. Turneris contributing author to Chapter 3, a testament
to her experience and expertise in electronic event marketing
strategies that unravel the mysteries of this revolutionary commu-
nications phenomenon.
Bill Knightis contributing author to Chapter 4. His under-
standing that little is possible without adequate event funding and
exemplary budget practices attests to the success of his event man-
agement company.
Kenny Friedis contributing author to Chapter 7. Kenny’s dy-
namic approach to special events such as festivals, fairs, golf tour-
naments, and parades is known for its creativity and originality.
Sonoko Tatsukami,whose organizational and computer skills
were instrumental in formatting the manuscript and juggling thou-
sands of passages into logical sequences. Her research efforts were
tireless and precise, and her good cheer a continuous boost to us all.
A Special Bow To
Jay Lurye,the late, but original event guru. In the 1970s, his
creative concepts in event production, staging, and promotion
gave birth to a new genre of unique approaches to the art. He
dragged me and my young peers kicking and screaming as
he showed us imaginative ways of making the old new and