ences through time molded my approach to event marketing and
my appreciation for the priceless satisfaction one receives from
bringing people together to learn, solve problems, make progress,
advance industries and professions, and have some fun.
They have taught me all I know in this industry, through their
writings, their teachings, their counsel, their actions, and their
friendships. The eagerness to open one’s mind to the wisdom of
others is synergistic. It leads to a journey of countless directions,
with each turn in the road leading to new revelations, questions,
answers, and understanding.
The following list represents those pioneers, contemporaries,
and colleagues who have personally enriched my understanding
of event marketing. I have learned at their elbows. I have shared
countless event war stories with them, all of which get better with
each telling. I have been with them during both triumphs and tri-
als and I have learned from it all. Because of them, I am able to
share with you, through this book, some of the body of knowledge
in event marketing that these relationships have gifted to me.
These are the true authors; it is they who are still doing their
teaching on these pages and telling their favorite stories. As you
pursue this study, you will be enriched by their wisdom. And in
turn and in your time, you will become the mentors of those who
join you on the journey.
In Appreciation Of xxiii
Edward H. Able, Jr.
Cynthia Albright
James Anderson, Esq.
Joe M. Baker, Jr., CAE
O. Gordon Banks, CAE
Donald E. Bender
Joseph Boehret
Gail Brown
Michael Brunner, CAE
Barbara Byrd Keenan, CAE
Lincoln H. Colby, CMP
Thomas Connellan, Ph.D.
Alice Conway, MM, CSEP
Jill Cornish, IOM
Timothy Cunningham
James R. Daggett, CAE, CMP
John Jay Daly
J. Franklyn Dickson, CMP
David Dorf, CHME
David Dubois, CAE
Joan Eisenstodt
Sara Elliott
Roy B. Evans, Jr., CAE
Duncan Farrell, CMP
Howard Feiertag, CHA,
Rose Folsom
John Foster III, Esq., CAE
Kenny Fried
LaRue Frye, CMP
Robert A. Gilbert, CHME
Joe Goldblatt, CSEP
Glenn Graham, CHME
Richard Green